Board Certified Vein Care Specialist in Orlando

Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center, the team of board certified vein specialist in Orlando offers cosmetic procedures like Botox treatment and other skin care treatment using latest technology.

Treat Unwanted Varicose and Spider Veins – Vein Treatment in Orlando

Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center is based in Florida. Board certified vein specialist Richard S. Bragg heads the team who deliver friendly and professional vein care to patients.

Prescription Skin Products

Get the skincare only a medical practice can offer. Why pay for the model and the bottle at the mall? Our practice has a private label skin care system designed to give you amazing results that your friends will notice!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Medical Procedures for Treating Varicose Veins

Thousands of people are seeking medical treatments for varicose veins every year. It is possible to avert a medical treatment if we take certain changes in the lifestyle right from the early stage of varicose veins. Nevertheless medical treatments for varicose veins are often considered to be painless, simple and safe.

In this article you will find a few medical procedures adopted for treating varicose veins


A chemical is injected in the vein to cause irritation and scaring inside the vein. This makes the vein to close off and fade away.

Laser Treatment:

Laser is allowed to pass through the skin into the vein. Laser heats the vein and causes it to close off and fade away. This involves no incisions, injections or chemicals.

Endovenous Ablation Therapy:

The doctor makes the patient numb and inserts a catheter into the vein by making a tiny hole in the skin. A device (Laser or Radio wave) at the tip of the catheter heats up the inside part of the vein and makes it to close off.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy:

Ambulatory Phlebectomy is usually followed to remove veins closer to the skin surface. The doctor at first will numb the area around the vein then makes small incisions in the skin and removes the small varicose veins.

Endoscopic vein surgery:

In Endoscopic vein surgery the doctor makes a small cut in the skin closer to the varicose vain and inserts an endoscope to move through the vein. The surgical device in the endoscope closes the vein.

All the medical procedures employed in treating varicose veins are quite simple and takes a very little recovery time, so finding the right doctor and performing the suitable treatment will certainly restrain the effects of varicose veins.